March 2022 – Evangelia Philippidis – “Scratching Out A Career”
Evangelia Philippidis is an artist and art instructor at CCAD and an NLAPW Active Art member of our chapter. Evangelia will discuss her award-winning editorial illustrations published in national newspapers and on book covers, as well as her upcoming projects.
WHEN: Tuesday, March 1, 2022, 1:00-3:00 pm
- Columbus Metropolitan Library
- 96 South Grant Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43215
- Meeting Room 1A (first floor near the elevators)
- Inexpensive parking in underground lot. Take ticket with you. Before leaving, pay at kiosk by the elevators
Artist/Creativity Statement
Since the time of Homer, the Greeks have been master storytellers. They created images in the listeners’ mind and depicted them on classical pottery. For them nature and mankind were intricately bound with many myths stressing the need for humans to treat nature with respect and humility. Born and raised in the shadow of the Parthenon in Athens, Greece, I follow the traditions of my ancestors.
In a career spanning over 30 years, I have been an award-winning editorial illustrator working with major national newspapers Including 22 years as a visual journalist for the Columbus dispatch, cover illustrator for Yale University Press Anchor Bible series and in a variety of magazines and historical publications. My work has been used for national and regional nature conservancies in promoting awareness and celebrating conservation successes. It is part of the National Hellenic Museum’s permanent collection in Chicago, and the Dominican Sisters of Peace Martin De Porres World Outreach Center permanent collection in Columbus, Ohio.
I am currently working on a solo exhibition for the Columbus Cultural Art Center for August 2022 called Daughters of Athena.
See more about Evangelia and her work at